Mar 14, 2025  
2015-2016 SLCC General Catalog 

Political Science: AS

Associate of Science l 61 credits minimum

History, Anthropology and Political Science Department
Taylorsville Redwood Campus, AAB 165
Associate Dean: Marianne McKnight, AAB 165Q, 801-957-4547
Administrative Assistant: Laura Rice, AAB 165, 801-957-4307

General Information, (801) 957-4073
Academic and Career Advising
Academic Advisor: Sidney McGuire Brown, AAB 237B, 801-957-3866

Program Faculty:
Professors − Shari Sowards
Associate Professors − Joshua Gold

Program Description: Political Science prepares students to understand and participate in the processes whereby policies are made in local, state, national and international political systems. Students learn the factual and theoretical ways in which governmental and non-governmental actors interact. In the process, students develop analytical and communication skills.

Political Science courses are an essential part of a liberal arts education because many disciplines come together in political analysis. Moreover, political science courses are useful in a variety of majors such as history, sociology, pre-law, business, public administration, economics, education and international studies. Students who would like hands-on experience in the political realm may sign up for an internship administered by the Political Science Department. SLCC students have interned in Washington D.C. and Salt Lake City, volunteered on political campaigns, conducted exit polls, hosted a variety of national and local political figures and participated in nationwide foreign policy simulations.

Transfer/Articulation Information: Students should check with the department or academic advisor to determine which courses are transferable to other colleges within the Utah System of Higher Education. Admission into a major program at a transfer institution depends upon the receiving institution’s requirements for that major. Some major programs are restricted and require special application as well as a competitive GPA. See an academic advisor at both SLCC and the intended receiving institution for specific articulation information.

Estimated Time to Completion: If students follow suggested sample schedule, completion time is four semesters.

Program Student Learning Outcomes Related College-Wide Student Learning Outcomes
A. Acquire substantive knowledge of political science.
B. Be prepared for further study in Political Science or a related discipline at a four-year college or university.
C. Understand key concepts, events and personalities relating to U.S. government.
D. Understand key concepts, events and personalities relating to the history, expression, and importance of modern political ideologies.
1 - Substantive Knowledge
Effectively communicate orally and in writing about key concepts and significant topics in U. S. government, political ideologies, and other topics of Political Science. 2 - Communicate Effectively
Use and interpret information represented as data, graphs, and tables to analyze political behavior, public policy, the historical development of the U. S. political system or modern political ideologies, and/or other topics in Political Science. 3 - Develop Quantitative Literacy
Demonstrate in writing their understanding of key aspects of critical thinking such as claims and evidence analysis, identification of fallacious argumentation, hypotheses, and concepts pertinent to Political Science. 4 - Think Critically
Develop and demonstrate the knowledge and skills to be civically engaged. 5 - Civic Engagement and/or Working Professionally

General Education Requirements

Core Skills:

Institutional Requirements:

Lifelong Wellness (LW) 1 Credit

Student Choice (IN or DEPTH) 3 Credits

Distribution Areas:

Choose one course (three credit hours) from each of the following distribution areas. One of the courses must also be a Diversity course (DV).

Life Sciences (LS)   3-4
Fine Arts (FA)   3-4
Humanities (HU)   3
Interdisciplinary (ID)   3
Social Science (SS)   3
Physical Science (PS)   3

NOTE: Courses that meet General Education requirements may be used to meet program requirements. If this option is chosen, student must complete additional elective courses to meet the total credit hour requirement. Please meet with an academic advisor to discuss options.


Complete 15 credits from any college course numbered 1000 or above. CSIS 1020  and MATH 1010  may apply toward the 15 credits of electives.

Sample Schedule

Total: 16

Total: 15

Fall Semester

  • ELEC (2) 6

Total: 15

Spring Semester

  • ELEC (3) 9

Total: 15

Advising Notes:

It is the student’s responsibility to examine each course description for details of prerequisite classes. Those prerequisites must be satisfied before the designated class may be taken. Students should check the semester class schedule for day/evening availability and modifications caused by varying enrollment.