Feb 15, 2025  
2018-2019 SLCC General Catalog 

Administration Credentials

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

AhLoe, Jillana (2017)
Budget Director
Budget Office
2015 - MBA, University of Utah
2012 - BS, Utah Valley University

Aird, Jeffrey (2013)
Vice President for Institutional Effectiveness
Institutional Effectiveness
2011 - JD, Brigham Young Univeristy
2011 - MPA, Brigham Young Univeristy

Allen, Paul (2002)
Associate Dean, Humanities/Language/CultureDivision of Humanities
1995 - PhD, Yale University
1992 - MA, Yale University
1991 - MA, Yale University

Askerlund, Robert (1989)
Assistant Vice President of Facilities
Facilities Office
2000 - BS, University of Phoenix
1976 - AAS, Salt Lake Community College

Barnes, Jonathan (2005)
Interim Associate Dean, Natural Sciences
Div of Natural Sciences
2002 - MS, Brigham Young University
1999 - BS, Brigham Young University

Benner, Paul (2014)
Associate Dean, Accounting, Finance & Economics
Div of Acctg, Finance & Econ
1996 - MBA, University of Phoenix
1976 - BS, University of Utah

Birch, Mikel (2013)
Director, Risk Management
Risk Management
2004 - MA, Webster University
2001 - BS, Westminster College

Bouillon, Rick (1999)
Associate Vice President, Workforce & Economic Development
Bus Dev Resources and MBRC
1983 - MS, Eastern Illinois University
1981 - BS, Eastern Illinois University

Bower, Jean (2009)
Program Director
2007 - PhD, University of Utah
2000 - BA, Carleton College

Bradford, William (1998)
Director, Media Operations
Media Operations

Broadbent, James (2006)
Director Human Resources Faculty Services
Human Resources
2006 - MBA, University of Phoenix
2003 - BA, Utah State University
2007 - PHR, Society For Human Resource Managers

Bromley, Dennis (2009)
Dean, School of Business
Dean, Business
1993 - PhD, Utah State University
1983 - MS, University of Wyoming
1982 - BS, University of Wyoming

Brown, Scott (2014)
Director, Local Government Relation
Government & Community Rela VP
1997 - MS, Utah State University

Burns, Robert (2004)
Associate Dean, Communication & Performing Arts
Div of Comm & Performing Arts
1989 - MA, Oregon State University
1987 - BA, Oregon State University

Caldwell, Michael (2004)
Dean, Science/Math/Engineering
Dean, Science/Mathematics/Eng
1998 - PhD, Texas A & M University
1992 - BS, University of Louisiana

Campbell, Katherine (1996)
Director, Campus/Site Serv No
Enrollment Services
1992 - BA, Weber State University
1980 - AAS, College of Eastern Idaho
1990 - AS, Ricks College

Castro-Zenoni, Lorri (2011)
Director, Center for Health & Counseling
Center for Health & Counseling
2014 - PhD, Loma Linda University
1995 - MS, California State University
1989 - BS, California State University

Chase, MaryEtta (1994)
2008 - MA, University of Phoenix
2001 - BS, University of Utah
1998 - AS, Salt Lake Community College

Coker, Jeffrey (2017)
Associate Dean, Culinary Arts
Culinary Arts
2009 - MA, Azusa Pacific University
2005 - BS, Sullivan University
1998 - AS, Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts

Colosimo, Beth (2015)
Executive Director, Business Development
Bus Dev Resources and MBRC

Coquemont, Kathryn (2017)
Assistant VP for Student Development
Assoc VP Success & Compl

Cosby, Kimberly (2010)
Pathways Project Manager
Provost of Academic Affairs
1998 - MS, Utah State University

Cox, Gary (2010)
Associate Dean, Institute of Public Safety
Institute of Public Safety
2006 - MA, University of Phoenix
1993 - BS, Weber State University

Crabtree, Shane (1992)
Director of Public Safety
Public Safety

Crespo, Jose (2016)
Director, STEM Learning Center
STEM Learning Resources

Crossland, Sean (2011)
Director, Thayne Center
Thayne Center

Cutliff, Randy (2007)
Director of Internal Audit
Internal Audit
1980 - MBA, Central Michigan University
1972 - BS, Southern University

Darling, Candida (2012)
Director, Disability Resources
Disability Resource Center
2002 - MSW, Missouri State University
2001 - BS, Boise State University

Diaz, Richard (2011)
Director, First Year Experience
First Year Experience
2011 - MA, University of Utah
2009 - BS, University of Utah

Dustin, Kevin (2014)
Director, Athletics/Recreation
2000 - MEd, Utah State University
1983 - BS, Utah State University

Enscoe, Shellie (2015)
Director, Diversity & MultiCul
Multi Cultural Center
2009 - MA, Chapman University
2003 - BA, Univerisity of Washington
2000 - AA, Pierce College

Farley, Ryan (2016)
Senior Director, Planning & Implementation
Planning and Implementation

Fehoko, Lakiesha (2004)
Interim Director,Testing Services
Testing Center
2013 - MSW, University of Utah
2012 - BSW, University of Utah

Feierbach, Franz (2004)
Associate Dean/Interim
SAT Instruction
1987 - BS, University of Utah

Fisher, Marni (2001)
Director, Employment & Compensation
Human Resources
2001 - BS, Utah State University
1998 - AA, Snow College

Francis, Malin (2010)
Director, Planning & Design
Facilities Architects
1992 - BS, University of Utah
1988 - BS, Utah State University
1989 - BS, Utah State University

Gardner, Craig (1991)
Asst. Vice President of HR
Human Resources
1990 - BS, Utah State University
1990 - BS, Utah State University
1982 - AS, Snow College

Gildea, Katherine (2016)
Director, Admissions
2005 - BS, Brigham Young University

Glenn, Debra (2014)
Controller/Business Manager
Business Office
2012 - MS, University of Utah
2011 - BS, Utah Valley University

Glenn, Jon (1996)
Director of Library Services
Library Services
2009 - MS, University of North Texas
1993 - BA, University of Utah

Green, Brent (2006)
Associate Dean, College Academic Readiness/ESL
2005 - PhD, University of Californa, Los Angeles
2007 - PhD, University of Californial, La
1993 - MA, Brigham Young University

Green, Katrina (2000)
Director, Curriculum, Scheduling & Site Support
Academic Support
1993 - MS, University of Utah
1990 - BA, Utah State University

Green, Matthew (2015)
Interim Associate Dean/Director
School of Prof & Econ Devlpmnt

Griggs, Bryan (1994)
Associate Dean, Visual Art & Design
Visual Art & Design
1993 - BFA, Art Center College of Design
1989 - AA, Ricks College

Hall, Tyler (2005)
Director, Contact Center
Contact Center
2011 - MS, Utah State University
2009 - BS, Utah State University
2007 - AS, Salt Lake Community College

Heiser, Eric (2014)
Dean, SAT & Professional Development
Dean, SAT & Tech Specialties
2011 - PhD, Colorado State University
2014 - PhD, Colorado State University
2008 - MA, University of Wyoming

Hill, Stephen (2016)
Director, Veterans Services
Veterans Office
2001 - BS, Brigham Young University

Hoffman, Margaret (1990)
Director, Student Life & Leadership
Student Life & Leadership
2016 - M.A.Ed, The University of Utah
1994 - BA, Brigham Young University
1991 - AS, Salt Lake Community College

Hubert, David (1994)
Associate Provost
Office of Learning Advancement
1997 - PhD, University of Connecticut
1990 - MA, University of Connecticut
1987 - BS, Colorado State University

Huftalin, Deneece (1992)
President’s Office
2006 - PhD, University of Utah
1987 - MA, University of California Los Angeles
1984 - BS, University of Utah

Jensen, Gavin (2015)
Director, Retail Services & Operations
Bookstore Redwood
2016 - MBA, Western Governors University

Kartchner, Travis (2017)
Associate Controller/Treasurer
Business Office
2013 - MS, University of Utah

Keleher, Mary (2004)
Associate Dean
2007 - PhD, Brigham Young University
1994 - MS, Ohio University
1993 - MS, Ohio University

Klaus, Dennis (2006)
Vice President, Business Services
Business Vice President Office
1981 - MBA, University of Montana
1970 - BS, Pennsylvania State University

Kowallis, Brandon (2005)
Director, Concurrent Enrollment
Concurrent Enrollment
2008 - MFA, National University
2004 - BFA, Brigham Young University
2000 - AS, Utah Valley State College

Lacombe, Christopher (2017)
College General Counsel
Government & Community Rela VP

Land, Roderic (2015)
Special Asst to the President
President’s Office
2008 - JD, University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign

Larsen, Curtis (2008)
Assistant VP for Student Life
Student Life & Leadership
2008 - MPA, University of Utah
1997 - BA, University of Utah
1997 - BA, University of Utah

Lepper, Charles (2015)
Vice President, Student Affairs
Student Svcs Vice Pres Off
2010 - PhD, Indiana State University

Lewis, Rachel (2009)
Director, Curriculum & Articulation
2017 - MS, Western Governors University
1996 - BA, Utah State University

Lund, Kelly (2001)
Director, Plant Op, Maint, Craft
Facilities Office
2015 - BS, Western Governors University
2005 - AAS, Salt Lake Community College

Lyman, Brenda (1993)
Associate Dean, Health Professions
Div. of Health Professions
1983 - BS, Colorado State University
1993 - CERT, American Occupational Therapy Assn

Mace, Barton (2013)
Director, Construction & Craft
Facilities Office
2006 - BS, Southern Utah University
2005 - AAS, Southern Utah University

Marshall, Darren (2014)
Asst VP for Budget Services & Financial Planning
Budget Office
1998 - MPA, Brigham Young University
1996 - BA, Southern Utah University

McCall, Jourdan (1995)
Director, Computing
Information Technology
1995 - MEd, University of Utah
2011 - MS, University of Illinois at Springfield
1991 - BA, University of Utah

McFarlane, Alison (2007)
Vice President, Institutional Advancement
Institutional Advancement VP
2015 - MPS, University of Denver
1981 - BA, University of Utah

McGowan, Jon (2014)
Interim Associate Dean, CSI
Division of Computer Science & Information Systems
2014 - MS, University of Utah
2003 - BS, University of Utah

McKnight, Marianne (1992)
Associate Dean, History, Anthropology, Political Science
1984 - MA, University of Utah
1981 - BA, University of Utah

McWilliams, Shannon (1987)
Director, Campus/Site Serv So
Student Services Offsite
1997 - BS, University of Utah
1991 - AAS, Salt Lake Community College
1995 - AS, Salt Lake Community College

Michalko, Nancy (2014)
Executive Director, Development
Development Office
1979 - BA, Wheeling College

Millard, S. (1988)
Director, Financial Aid
Financial Aid
2007 - MA, University of Phoenix
1988 - BA, Brigham Young University

Miller, Seth (2007)
Director, Technical Production
Grand Theatre

Millward, Nathan (2011)
Assistant Controller
Business Office
1997 - MS, Utah State University
1990 - BS, Weber State University
1986 - AS, Snow College

Moore, Casey (2004)
Director, Technology
Information Technology
1994 - BS, University of Utah

Mozdy, Suzanne (2003)
Associate Dean Math
2001 - MS, Oregon State University
1989 - BS, Santa Clara University

Napper, Angela (2007)
Interim Director, Dist Ed & Inst Tech

Navarre, Michael (2016)
Asst. VP, Institute of Marketing/Communications
Institutional Marketing
2013 - BS, University of Utah

Omer, Elizabeth (2012)
Director, Sponsored Projects
Grants & Contracts
2003 - MS, University of Utah

Pai, Anjali (2014)
Director, Staff Development
Staff Development
1994 - BA, University of Pittsburgh
2009 - MS, University of Utah

Parker, Charles (2016)
Director, Workforce Train & Ed
Corporate Solutions

Parker, Sonia (1998)
Director, Career & Student Employment
Student Employment & CO-OP
2015 - E.Ed., The University of Utah
1984 - MA, Brigham Young University
1981 - BA, Universidad De Guayaquil

Pickavance, Jason (2003)
Director, Faculty Development & Education Initiatives
Institutional Effectiveness
2008 - PhD, University of Utah
1997 - MA, Western Washington University
1994 - BA, Western Washington University

Reale, Sarah (2011)
Director Digital Marketing
Institutional Marketing
2007 - BS, Utah State University

Richardson, David (1992)
Interm Dean, Humanities/Social Science
Dean, Humanities/Social Science
1973 - PhD, Utah State University
1967 - MS, Purdue Unversity
1965 - BA, Oakwood College

Roberts, Gregory (2012)
Director, TRIO Programs
Student Support Services
1979 - MEd, University of Idaho
1978 - BA, Idaho State University

Robinson, John (2012)
Director Employee Relations
Human Resources
2015 - MS, Southern New Hampshire University

Ruffus, Stephen (1989)
Associate Dean, English
1974 - MA, Colorado State University
1972 - BA, State University of New York at Buffalo

Samms, Gillette (2015)
Associate Dean, Aviation, Related Technologies
Division of Aviation & Related Technology

Sanders, Clifton (1993)
Provost of Academic Affairs
1990 - PhD, University of Utah
1977 - BA, Hamline University

Saunders, Jennifer (2003)
Associate Dean, Workforce Training Education
School of Prof & Econ Devlpmnt
1996 - CPM, State of Utah
2004 - CFRE, Council For Resource Development
2016 - PhD, Lesley University

Scott, Richard (1997)
Dean, Arts & Communication
1974 - BA, Richard Stockton College

Seltzer Stitt, Jennifer (2012)
Director, Community Relations
Government & Community Rela VP
2000 - MS, John Hopkins University
1996 - BPh, Miami University

Sheehan, Timothy (2010)
Vice President, Gov’t & Comm Relations
Government & Community Rela VP
1993 - MPA, Brigham Young University
1990 - BS, Brigham Young University

Shumway, Julie (2018)
Director, Advancement Services
Development Office
2011 - BS, Utah State University

Smith, Dale (1985)
Associate Dean, FHS, EDU,S W, LE
Family & Human Studies
1978 - MS, Brigham Young University
1976 - BS, Brigham Young University

Sokia, Ashley (2002)
Interim Director, Academic Advising
Academic Advising
2012 - BBA, Westminster
2004 - AS, Salt Lake Community College

Southerland, J. (2009)
Associate VP, Enrollment Manag
Enrollment Management
2010 - PhD, University of Utah
2001 - MSS, Utah State University
1999 - BA, Brigham Young University

Stonebrook, Kenneth (2014)
Asst VP, Student Life & Dean of Students
2013 - JD, University of Utah
2007 - BS, University of Utah

Tasker, Ralph (1997)
Associate Dean, Apprenticeship, Construction Technology
Construction & Welding Related Technology
2004 - BS, Utah State University
2000 - AAS, Salt Lake Community College

Thomas, Brandon (2016)
Purchasing Director
Purchasing Office
2010 - MBA, University of Phoenix

Thomas, Larry (2010)
Associate Dean, Health & Lifetime
Health & Lifetime Activities
2011 - MS, University of Utah
2005 - BS, Brigham Young University

Tlou, Joy (1994)
Director, Public Relations
Institutional Marketing
1986 - BA, Luther College

Weber, Eric (1993)
Asst VP, Student Enrollment Services
1992 - Certificate, Us Department of Education
1994 - MEd, University of South Florida
1979 - BA, Michigan State University

Weiss, Mickie (2014)
Associate Dean, Nursing
1999 - MSN, University of Utah
1997 - BSN, Univeristy of Utah
1994 - AS, Utah Valley State College

Willett, Barbara (2000)
Associate Dean, Management, Marketing & Legal Studies
Div of Mgmt, Mktg & Legal Stud
1995 - MBA, William Carey College
1989 - MEd, University of Southern Mississippi
1987 - BS, University of Southern Mississippi

Williams, Patricia (1990)
Director, Employee Benefits & HRIS
Human Resources
1985 - AAS, Salt Lake Community College

Wright, JoAnne (2014)
Dean, Health Sciences
Dean, School of Health Science
1995 - PhD, University of Southern California

Young, Michael (2018)
Associate Dean, General Education
General Education

Zoumadakis, William (1983)
Chief Informatn & Security Office
Information Technology
2009 - MS, Florida Tech
1993 - BS, Utah State University
1982 - AAS, Salt Lake Community College