2024-2025 SLCC General Catalog
Social & Behavioral Sciences: AS
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Associate of Science | 61 credits
Program Website
Academic Advising
Program Description
The A.S. in Social & Behavioral Sciences is a “general transfer degree” designed to function as the default degree for all students in the “Social & Behavioral Sciences Area of Study” if a declared major program hasn’t been selected.
The degree serves students by providing structured guidance toward developing knowledge and skills in the social and behavioral sciences, including research skills. It prepares them to declare a major at SLCC or upon transfer to a university. The degree offers several emphases or “tracks” that students may choose from, which fulfill two or three foundational courses or some other requirement in a major program at a university, along with ample flexibility to fulfill general elective requirements.
Other benefits of this general transfer degree are:
- It may act as an exploratory degree for students who may be unsure about a specific program or programs,
- It can work as a way for students who have changed majors from another school to move into the Social & Behavioral Sciences “Area of Study” more readily.
The degree’s emphases/tracks mirror other full degree programs in the social and behavioral sciences to give students even more incentive towards declaring a major. A few of these emphases provide students direction in emerging programs that do not yet have a formal degree.
Students will be assessed according to how well they achieve the following learning outcomes:
- Demonstrate an understanding of science as a way of knowing about the social world.
- Apply disciplinary theories, concepts, and methods to increase understanding of human behavior, social interaction, and social institutions.
- Explain the diverse ways in which humans organize, structure, rationalize, and govern their societies and cultures over time.
- Demonstrate fundamental skills in research, such as rigorous and ethical scientific thinking, how issues are objectified for study, how data is collected and analyzed, and how new understandings of social phenomena are achieved, evaluated, and disseminated.
Disciplines that make up this Social and Behavioral Sciences degree include:
- Anthropology
- Economics
- Education
- Ethnic Studies
- Family and Human Studies
- Political Science
- Psychology
- Social Work
- Sociology
Transfer/Articulation Information
Please refer to the Student Resources section of the SLCC University Transfer webpage.
Estimated Cost for Students
Tuition and student fees: http://www.slcc.edu/student/financial/tuition-fees.aspx
Books: $35 to $125
Supplies: $0 to $20
Course Fees: $0 to $50
General Education Requirements
Complete all General Education courses. Refer to Notes for program-specific requirements and recommendations. Courses that meet General Education requirements may be used to meet program requirements where indicated. If this option is chosen, students must complete additional program or elective courses to meet the total credit hour requirement. Please meet with an academic advisor to discuss options. Program General Education Notes
American Institutions (AI) (Recommended): Quantitative Literacy (QL) (Recommended): Communications (CM) (Recommended): International & Global (IG) (Recommended): Humanities (HU) (Recommended): Life Science (LS) (Recommended): Physical Science (PS) (Recommended): Social Science (SS) (Recommended): Social Science + Diversity (SS/DV) (Recommended): Program Requirements
Complete one of the following emphasis areas. General Social & Behavioral Science Emphasis (27 credits)
Required Courses (12 credits)
Pathways Course (1 course)
Choose one “Pathways” course. Requirement met if taken to fulfill General Education “SS” area. Replace with a course from the “Allied Course” category. Research Foundations Course (1 course)
Choose one “Research” course: Exploration Courses (2 courses)
Choose any two courses at the 1000-level or higher with the following prefixes: - ANTH, ECON, EDU, ETHS, FHS, POLS, PSY, SOC, or SW (with or without “SS” or “SS,DV” designations).
Exploration courses cannot already fulfill other degree requirements. Allied Course (if needed)
If needed, choose any course at the 1000-level or higher with the following prefixes: - ANTH, ATMO, BUS, CHL, COMM, CJ, CPS, ECON, EDU, ENGL, ESL, ETHS, FHS, FIN, GEOG, HIST, HUMA, IDS, INTL, LE, MATH, MGT, MKTG, POLS, PHIL, PSY, RELS, SOC, SLSS, SW (with or without “SS” or “SS,DV” designations);
Or from the following individual courses: - ENVS 1400 , BIOL 2220 , CSIS 1070 , CTEL 1010 , ENGR 1070 , FLM 1070 , HLTH 1050 , HLTH 1110 , HS 2050 , LANG 1010, LS 1010 , LS 1020 , MORT 1010 , MORT 1100 , MUSC 1040 , MUSC 1080 .
Allied courses cannot already fulfill other degree requirements. Elective Courses (15 credits) ANTHROPOLOGY (ANTH) Emphasis (27 credits)
Required Courses (12 credits)
Pathways Course (1 course)
“Pathways” requirement met if taken to fulfill General Education “SS” area. Replace with a course from the “Depth” category. Research Foundations Course (1 course)
Choose one “Research” course: Anthropology Emphasis (2 courses)
Allied Course (if needed after fulfilling “Depth” category)
If needed, choose any course at the 1000-level or higher with the following prefixes: - ANTH, ATMO, BUS, CHL, COMM, CJ, CPS, ECON, EDU, ENGL, ESL, ETHS, FHS, FIN, GEOG, HIST, HUMA, IDS, INTL, LE, MATH, MGT, MKTG, POLS, PHIL, PSY, RELS, SOC, SLSS, SW (with or without “SS” or “SS,DV” designations)
Or from the following individual courses: - ENVS 1400, BIOL 2220, CSIS 1070, CTEL 1010, ENGR 1070, FLM 1070, HLTH 1050, HLTH 1110, HS 2050, LANG 1010, LS 1010, LS 1020, LIS 2030, MORT 1010, MORT 1100, MUSC 1040, MUSC 1080.
Allied courses cannot already fulfill other degree requirements. Elective Courses (15 credits)
- Choose any courses at the 1000-level or higher in any discipline.
ECONOMICS (ECON) Emphasis (27 credits)
Required Courses (12 credits)
Pathways Course (1 course)
Choose one “Pathways” course. Requirement is fulfilled if one course is taken for the General Education “SS” area. Research Foundations Course (1 course)
Choose one “Research” course: Economics Emphasis - 2 courses (1 Core + 1 Depth)
Allied Course (if needed)
Choose any course at the 1000-level or higher with the following prefixes: - ANTH, ATMO, BUS, CHL, COMM, CJ, CPS, ECON, EDU, ENGL, ESL, ETHS, FHS, FIN, GEOG, HIST, HUMA, IDS, INTL, LE, MATH, MGT, MKTG, POLS, PHIL, PSY, RELS, SOC, SLSS, SW (with or without “SS” or “SS,DV” designations)
Or from the following individual courses: - ENVS 1400, BIOL 2220, CSIS 1070, CTEL 1010, ENGR 1070, FLM 1070, HLTH 1050, HLTH 1110, HS 2050, LANG 1010, LS 1010, LS 1020, LIS 2030, MORT 1010, MORT 1100, MUSC 1040, MUSC 1080.
Exploration/allied courses cannot already fulfill other degree requirements. Elective Courses (15 credits)
- Choose any courses at the 1000-level or higher in any discipline.
EDUCATION (EDU) Emphasis (27 credits)
Required Courses (12 credits)
Pathways Course (1 course)
“Pathways” requirement met if taken to fulfill General Education “SS” area. Replace with a course from the “Allied Course” category. Research Foundations Course (1 course)
Education Emphasis - 2 courses (1 Core + 1 Depth)
Allied Course (if needed)
If needed, choose any course at the 1000-level or higher with the following prefixes: - ANTH, ATMO, BUS, CHL, COMM, CJ, CPS, ECON, EDU, ENGL, ESL, ETHS, FHS, FIN, GEOG, HIST, HUMA, IDS, INTL, LE, MATH, MGT, MKTG, POLS, PHIL, PSY, RELS, SOC, SLSS, SW (with or without “SS” or “SS,DV” designations)
Or from the following individual courses: - ENVS 1400, BIOL 2220, CSIS 1070, CTEL 1010, ENGR 1070, FLM 1070, HLTH 1050, HLTH 1110, HS 2050, LANG 1010, LS 1010, LS 1020, LIS 2030, MORT 1010, MORT 1100, MUSC 1040, MUSC 1080.
Allied courses cannot already fulfill other degree requirements. General Electives (15 credits)
- Choose any courses at the 1000-level or higher in any discipline.
Pathways Course (1 course)
Choose one “Pathways” course. Requirement met if taken to fulfill the General Education “SS” area. Replace with an additional course from the “Electives” category. Research Foundations Course (1 course)
Choose one “Research” course: ENVS Emphasis - 5 courses (1 Area I + 2 Area II + 2 Area III)
ENVS Electives (as needed)
Courses count only as “Electives” if not already counted as fulfilling General Education requirements or for any of the “Emphasis Requirements”. - ATMO 1010 - Severe and Hazardous Weather (PS)
- ATMO 2100 - Air Pollution & Atmospheric Chemistry
- ATMO 2200 - Mountain Weather & Climate
- BIOL 1120 - Intro Conservation Biol (LS)
- BUS 2200 - Business Communications (CM)
- CEEN 1100 - Introduction to Civil and Environmental Engineering Design
- COMM 1020 - Principles of Public Speaking (CM)
- COMM 1130 - Journalism & Media Writing
- COMM 1500 - Media and Society (CM)
- COMM 2570 - Introduction to Visual Communication (FA)
- CPS 1000 - Creative Problem Solving-Pers
- CPS 1010 - Creative Problem Solving-Team
- CTEL 1010 - Leadership & Team Building (HR)
- CHEF 1900 - Sustainable Food Systems
- ECON 1010 - Economics as a Social Science (SS)
- ECON 1600 - Intro to Economic Systems (SS)
- ECON 2010 - Principles of Microeconomics (SS)
- ECON 2800 - Economics of Globalization, Inequality, and Sustainability
- EGMT 1010 - Intro to Energy Management
- EGMT 1040 - Clean Energy Technologies
- ENGL 1030 - Writing in Professions (HR)
- ENGL 1820 - Publication Studies
- ENGL 2030 - Language in US Society (HU, DV)
- ENGL 2280 - Introduction to Creative Nonfiction (HU)
- ENGL 2310 - Introduction to Digital Writing
- ETHS 2400 - Intro to Ethnic Studies (SS, DV)
- ETHS 2410 - African American Experiences (SS,DV)
- ETHS 2420 - Asian American Experiences (SS, DV)
- ETHS 2430 - Chican* and Latin* Experiences (SS,DV)
- ETHS 2440 - Native American Experiences (SS,DV)
- ETHS 2900 - Special Topics in Ethnic Studies
- ETHS 2999 - Ethnic Studies CLAC (Cultures and Languages Across the Curriculum)
- FASH 1050 - Fashion Sustainability
- GEOG 1000 - Earth’s Environments (PS)
- GEOG 1300 - Regional Geography (IG)
- GEOG 1400 - Human Geography (IG)
- GEOG 1700 - Natural Disasters (PS)
- GEOG 1800 - Mapping Our Changing World (CM)
- GEOG 2550 - Fundamentals of Drones
- GEOG 2800 - Web GIS
- GEO 1060 - Environmental Geology and corresponding lab
- GEO 1065 - Environmental Geology Lab
- HIST 2600 - Native American Voices (SS, DV)
- INTD 2150 - Green/Sustainable Interiors
- LS 1040 - Introduction to Legal Research and Writing
- LS 1530 - Environmental Law
- MKTG 1030 - Introduction To Marketing
- MKTG 1070 - Advertising & Promotions
- MATH 1040 - Intro to Statistics (QL)
- PHIL 1120 - Social Ethics (HU)
- PHIL 1250 - Reasoning and Rational Decision-Making (CM)
- POLS 1100 - Introduction to U.S. Government & Politics (AI)
- POLS 1900 - Special Studies
- POLS 2100 - Intro Internat. Politics (IG)
- POLS 2300 - Political Ideologies (SS)
- POLS 2500 - The United States of Inequality (SS)
- POLS 2700 - Intro to Public Service (SS)
- SW 2100 - Human Behavior in Soc Env
- SOC 1010 - Intro to Sociology (SS)
- SOC 2015 - Doing Sociology: Intro to Social Research
- SOC 2630 - Race and Ethnicity (SS, DV)
- SLSS 2100 - Developing the Civically Engaged Leader
- SVT 2020 - Public Land Surveying
- SVT 2100 - Land Development
- SVT 2160 - Land Boundary Law I
- SVT 2170 - Land Boundary Law II
- SVT 2200 - Public Records
ETHNIC STUDIES (ETHS) Emphasis (27 credits)
Required Courses (12 credits)
Pathways Course (1 course)
“Pathways” requirement met if taken to fulfill General Education “SS” area. Take instead a course from the “Allied Course” category below. Research Foundations Course (1 course)
Choose one “Research” course: Ethnic Studies Emphasis - 2 courses (1 Experience + 1 Depth)
Experience Courses
Choose one “Experience” course. Note: “Experience” courses cannot fulfill other requirements. ETHS Depth Courses
Choose one “Depth” course. Note: “Depth” courses cannot fulfill other requirements. - ENGL 2830 - Diverse Women Writers (HU, DV)
- ETHS 2410 - African American Experiences (SS,DV)
- ETHS 2420 - Asian American Experiences (SS, DV)
- ETHS 2430 - Chican* and Latin* Experiences (SS,DV)
- ETHS 2440 - Native American Experiences (SS,DV)
- ETHS 2900 - Special Topics in Ethnic Studies
- ETHS 2999 - Ethnic Studies CLAC (Cultures and Languages Across the Curriculum)
- HIST 2200 - Americanization: Ethnicity, Power and Privilege (HU, DV)
- HIST 2600 - Native American Voices (SS, DV)
- HIST 2800 - Utah’s Diverse Heritage (HU,DV)
- INTL 2040 - The Immigrant Experience through Literature and Film (HU,DV)
- INTL 2240 - Latin American Studies (IG)
- SOC 2630 - Race and Ethnicity (SS, DV)
Allied Course (if needed)
If needed, choose any course at the 1000-level or higher with the following prefixes: - ANTH, ATMO, BUS, CHL, COMM, CJ, CPS, ECON, EDU, ENGL, ESL, ETHS, FHS, FIN, GEOG, HIST, HUMA, IDS, INTL, LE, MATH, MGT, MKTG, POLS, PHIL, PSY, RELS, SOC, SLSS, SW (with or without “SS” or “SS,DV” designations)
Or from the following individual courses: - ENVS 1400, BIOL 2220, CSIS 1070, CTEL 1010, ENGR 1070, FLM 1070, HLTH 1050, HLTH 1110, HS 2050, LANG 1010, LS 1010, LS 1020, LIS 2030, MORT 1010, MORT 1100, MUSC 1040, MUSC 1080.
Allied courses cannot already fulfill other degree requirements. Elective Courses (15 credits)
- Choose any courses at the 1000-level or higher in any discipline.
FAMILY & HUMAN STUDIES (FHS) Emphasis (27 credits)
Required Courses (12 credits)
Pathways Course (1 course)
“Pathways” requirement met if taken to fulfill General Education “SS” area. Replace with a course from the “Allied Course” category. Research Foundations Course (1 course)
Choose one “Research” course: Family and Human Studies Emphasis - 2 courses (1 Core + 1 Depth)
Allied Course (if needed)
If needed, choose any course at the 1000-level or higher with the following prefixes: - ANTH, ATMO, BUS, CHL, COMM, CJ, CPS, ECON, EDU, ENGL, ESL, ETHS, FHS, FIN, GEOG, HIST, HUMA, IDS, INTL, LE, MATH, MGT, MKTG, POLS, PHIL, PSY, RELS, SOC, SLSS, SW (with or without “SS” or “SS,DV” designations)
Or from the following individual courses: - ENVS 1400, BIOL 2220, CSIS 1070, CTEL 1010, ENGR 1070, FLM 1070, HLTH 1050, HLTH 1110, HS 2050, LANG 1010, LS 1010, LS 1020, LIS 2030, MORT 1010, MORT 1100, MUSC 1040, MUSC 1080.
Allied courses cannot already fulfill other degree requirements. General Electives (15 credits)
- Choose any courses at the 1000-level or higher in any discipline.
GENDER STUDIES (GNDR) Emphasis (27 credits)
Required Courses (15 credits)
Pathways Course (1 course)
“Pathways” requirement met if taken to fulfill General Education “SS” area. Replace with an additional course from “Electives”. Research Foundations Course - 1 course
Choose one “Research” course: Gender Studies Track - 3 courses (1 Core + 1 Depth + 1 Exploration)
GNDR Core Course
Requirement met if taken to fulfill General Education “HU” area. Take instead an additional course from the “Electives” category. GNDR Depth Courses
Choose one “Depth” course. GNDR Exploration Courses
Courses count only as “Exploration” if not already fulfilling General Education requirements or any of the above categories. - ENGL 1100 - Diversity in Popular US Literature (HU, DV)
- ENGL 2610 - Diversity in American Literature (HU, DV)
- ENGL 2640 - Writing and Social Justice (HU)
- ENGL 2700 - Introduction to Critical Theory
- ENGL 2760 - Gender & Cultural Studies (HU, DV)
- ENGL 2830 - Diverse Women Writers (HU, DV)
- ETHS 2400 - Intro to Ethnic Studies (SS, DV)
- ETHS 2410 - African American Experiences (SS,DV)
- ETHS 2420 - Asian American Experiences (SS, DV)
- ETHS 2430 - Chican* and Latin* Experiences (SS,DV)
- ETHS 2440 - Native American Experiences (SS,DV)
- ETHS 2900 - Special Topics in Ethnic Studies
- FHS 1500 - Lifespan Human Development (SS)
- FHS 2400 - Marriage and Family Relations (SS)
- FHS 2450 - Introduction to Human Sexuality (SS)
- POLS 2100 - Intro Internat. Politics (IG)
- POLS 2200 - Intro/Comparative Politics (IG)
- POLS 2300 - Political Ideologies (SS)
- POLS 2500 - The United States of Inequality (SS)
- PSY 1010 - General Psychology (SS)
- PSY 1100 - Lifespan Human Growth and Development (SS)
- PSY 2500 - Social Psychology
- PSY 2710 - Brain and Behavior
- PSY 2900 - Special Topics in Psychology
- SOC 1010 - Intro to Sociology (SS)
- SOC 1020 - Social Problems (SS)
- SOC 2600 - Marriage and Family
- SOC 2630 - Race and Ethnicity (SS, DV)
- SOC 2900 - Special Topics
General Electives (12 credits)
- Choose any courses at the 1000-level or higher in any discipline.
POLITICAL SCIENCE (POLS) Emphasis (27 credits)
Required Courses (12 credits)
Pathways Course (1 course)
Choose one “Pathways” course. Requirement met if taken to fulfill General Education “SS” area. Replace with a course from the “Allied Course” category. Research Foundations Course (1 course)
Choose one “Research” course: Political Science Emphasis - 1 to 2 courses (Core + Depth + Exploration)
POLS Core Course
“Core” requirement met if taken to fulfill General Education “AI” area. Replace with a course from the “Exploration” category. POLS Depth Course
Choose one “Depth” course. Requirement met if taken to fulfill General Education “IG” area. Replace with a course from the “Exploration” category. POLS Exploration Courses (if needed)
Note: Political Science “Exploration” courses cannot already fulfill other degree requirements. Allied Course (if needed)
If needed, choose any course at the 1000-level or higher with the following prefixes: - ANTH, ATMO, BUS, CHL, COMM, CJ, CPS, ECON, EDU, ENGL, ESL, ETHS, FHS, FIN, GEOG, HIST, HUMA, IDS, INTL, LE, MATH, MGT, MKTG, POLS, PHIL, PSY, RELS, SOC, SLSS, SW (with or without “SS” or “SS,DV” designations)
Or from the following individual courses: - ENVS 1400, BIOL 2220, CSIS 1070, CTEL 1010, ENGR 1070, FLM 1070, HLTH 1050, HLTH 1110, HS 2050, LANG 1010, LS 1010, LS 1020, LIS 2030, MORT 1010, MORT 1100, MUSC 1040, MUSC 1080.
Allied courses cannot already fulfill other degree requirements. General Electives (15 credits) PSYCHOLOGY (PSY) Emphasis (27 credits)
Required Courses (12 credits)
Pathways Course (1 course)
“Pathways” requirement met if taken to fulfill General Education “SS” area. Take instead a course from the “Allied Course” category. Research Foundations Course (1 course)
Psychology Emphasis - 2 courses (1 Core + 1 Depth)
Allied Course (if needed)
If needed, choose any course at the 1000-level or higher with the following prefixes: - ANTH, ATMO, BUS, CHL, COMM, CJ, CPS, ECON, EDU, ENGL, ESL, ETHS, FHS, FIN, GEOG, HIST, HUMA, IDS, INTL, LE, MATH, MGT, MKTG, POLS, PHIL, PSY, RELS, SOC, SLSS, SW (with or without “SS” or “SS,DV” designations)
Or from the following individual courses: - ENVS 1400, BIOL 2220, CSIS 1070, CTEL 1010, ENGR 1070, FLM 1070, HLTH 1050, HLTH 1110, HS 2050, LANG 1010, LS 1010, LS 1020, LIS 2030, MORT 1010, MORT 1100, MUSC 1040, MUSC 1080.
Allied courses cannot already fulfill other degree requirements. General Electives (15 credits)
- Choose any courses at the 1000-level or higher in any discipline.
SOCIAL JUSTICE STUDIES (SJS) Emphasis (27 credits)
Required Courses (15 credits)
Pathways Course (1 course)
Choose one “Pathways” course. Requirement met if taken to fulfill General Education “SS” area. Take instead an additional course from the “Areas”. Research Foundations Course (1 course)
Choose one “Research” course: Social Justice Emphasis - 3 courses (Take courses from at least two different areas)
Area I: Social Justice Issues
Choose one course. Note: Course cannot already fulfill another degree requirement. - CHL 2500 - Community and Public Health Issues
- CJ 1010 - Introduction to Criminal Justice (SS, DV)
- CJ 1220 - Justice, Peace and Conflict Studies
- ENGL 2700 - Introduction to Critical Theory
- ENGL 2760 - Gender & Cultural Studies (HU, DV)
- ENGL 2850 - Intro to Queer Studies (HU, DV)
- HLTH 1050 - Life, Society and Drugs (IG)
- HLTH 1110 - Social Health & Div.
- POLS 2300 - Political Ideologies (SS)
- POLS 2500 - The United States of Inequality (SS)
- SOC 1010 - Intro to Sociology (SS)
- SOC 1020 - Social Problems (SS)
- SOC 2370 - Gender & U.S. Society (SS, DV)
- SOC 2630 - Race and Ethnicity (SS, DV)
Area II: Community Experiences
Choose one course. Note: Course cannot already fulfill another degree requirement. - ETHS 2400 - Intro to Ethnic Studies (SS, DV)
- ETHS 2410 - African American Experiences (SS,DV)
- ETHS 2420 - Asian American Experiences (SS, DV)
- ETHS 2430 - Chican* and Latin* Experiences (SS,DV)
- ETHS 2440 - Native American Experiences (SS,DV)
- ETHS 2900 - Special Topics in Ethnic Studies
- HIST 2200 - Americanization: Ethnicity, Power and Privilege (HU, DV)
- HIST 2600 - Native American Voices (SS, DV)
- HIST 2800 - Utah’s Diverse Heritage (HU,DV)
Area III: Leadership, Communication, & Institutions
Choose one course. Note: Course cannot already fulfill another degree requirement. - COMM 1020 - Principles of Public Speaking (CM)
- COMM 1270 - Critical Thinking in Argumentation (CM)
- COMM 2110 - Interpersonal Communication (CM)
- COMM 2120 - Team Decision Mkg & Leadership
- COMM 2300 - Public Relations
- ECON 1600 - Intro to Economic Systems (SS)
- ENGL 2280 - Introduction to Creative Nonfiction (HU)
- ENGL 2640 - Writing and Social Justice (HU)
- PHIL 1250 - Reasoning and Rational Decision-Making (CM)
- POLS 1100 - Introduction to U.S. Government & Politics (AI)
- POLS 2700 - Intro to Public Service (SS)
- POLS 2950 - Leadership
- SLSS 2100 - Developing the Civically Engaged Leader
General Electives (12 credits)
- Choose any courses at the 1000-level or higher in any discipline.
SOCIOLOGY (SOC) Emphasis (27 credits)
Required Courses (12 credits)
Pathways Course (1 course)
“Pathways” requirement met if taken to fulfill General Education “SS” area. Take instead a course from the “Allied Course” category below. Research Foundations Course (1 course)
Sociology Emphasis - 2 courses
Choose two courses. Note: Emphasis courses cannot fulfill other requirements. Allied Course (if needed)
If needed, choose any course at the 1000-level or higher with the following prefixes: - ANTH, ATMO, BUS, CHL, COMM, CJ, CPS, ECON, EDU, ENGL, ESL, ETHS, FHS, FIN, GEOG, HIST, HUMA, IDS, INTL, LE, MATH, MGT, MKTG, POLS, PHIL, PSY, RELS, SOC, SLSS, SW (with or without “SS” or “SS,DV” designations)
Or from the following individual courses: - ENVS 1400, BIOL 2220, CSIS 1070, CTEL 1010, ENGR 1070, FLM 1070, HLTH 1050, HLTH 1110, HS 2050, LANG 1010, LS 1010, LS 1020, LIS 2030, MORT 1010, MORT 1100, MUSC 1040, MUSC 1080.
Allied courses cannot already fulfill other degree requirements. General Electives (15 credits) SOCIAL WORK (SW) Emphasis (27 credits)
Required Courses (12 credits)
Pathways Course (1 course)
Choose one “Pathways” course or any “SS” or “SS,DV” course. Requirement met if taken to fulfill General Education “SS” area. Take instead a course from the “Allied Course” category. Research Foundations Course (1 course)
Choose one “Research” course: Social Work Emphasis - 2 courses (1 Core + 1 Depth)
Allied Course (if needed)
If needed, choose any course at the 1000-level or higher with the following prefixes: - ANTH, ATMO, BUS, CHL, COMM, CJ, CPS, ECON, EDU, ENGL, ESL, ETHS, FHS, FIN, GEOG, HIST, HUMA, IDS, INTL, LE, MATH, MGT, MKTG, POLS, PHIL, PSY, RELS, SOC, SLSS, SW (with or without “SS” or “SS,DV” designations)
Or from the following individual courses: - ENVS 1400, BIOL 2220, CSIS 1070, CTEL 1010, ENGR 1070, FLM 1070, HLTH 1050, HLTH 1110, HS 2050, LANG 1010, LS 1010, LS 1020, LIS 2030, MORT 1010, MORT 1100, MUSC 1040, MUSC 1080.
Allied courses cannot already fulfill other degree requirements. General Electives (15 credits)
- Choose any courses at the 1000-level or higher in any discipline.
Time to Completion & Graduation Map
Program Learning Outcomes
Program learning outcome alignment with Student Learning Outcomes in brackets. - Demonstrate an understanding of science as a way of knowing about the social world. [1,2,3,4,6,8,9]
Apply disciplinary theories, concepts, and methods to increase understanding of human behavior, social interaction, and social institutions. [1,2,3,4,6,8,9] -
Explain the diverse ways in which humans organize, structure, rationalize, and govern their societies and cultures over time. [1,2,4,6,8] -
Demonstrate fundamental skills in research, such as rigorous and ethical scientific thinking, how issues are objectified for study, how data is collected and analyzed, and how new understandings of social phenomena are achieved, evaluated, and disseminated. [1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9] |
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