Feb 15, 2025  
2021-2022 SLCC General Catalog 

Architecture: AS

Associate of Science | 63 credits minimum

Visual Art & Design Division
Taylorsville Redwood Campus
TB 307B
General Information 801-957-4827
Program Information 801-957-3932
Program Website
Academic and Career Advising

Associate Professor - Kevin King
Assistant Professors - Shelley Bodily, Naima Nawabi

Program Description
The Architectural Technology Department offers a program completing the requirements for two-year Associate of Science (AS) degrees for students who plan to transfer to another institution for a higher degree.

The major aspects of architectural design and practice are presented to students in a balanced approach that allows them to gain a general understanding of the profession and practice as well as to acquire marketable skills in design, architectural practice, construction documentation, CAD/BIM and computer graphics.

This program introduces students to basic concepts in architectural design and delineation. Beginning skills in design are acquired as students learn to generate creative solutions to various design problems. Skills are developed in the area of delineation with courses presenting concepts of freehand sketching, perspectives, digital image manipulation and other methods of design idea representation.

The program emphasizes the real world application of all concepts, principles and techniques. Instruction is enhanced by exposing the students to real world materials and techniques through instructor experience and knowledge as well as visits from and exposure to architectural design professionals.

Life skills also are stressed to enhance students’ architectural skills. These include communication, time management, graphics, creative problem solving, group dynamics, responsibility and professionalism. Students are qualified for a variety of job and educational opportunities upon completion of the program.

Career Opportunities
This program also provides some entry-level skills, which when built upon, will enable students to advance to lower- or middle-management positions, depending on the individual person. However, at the highest end of the profession, architecture requires advanced education and licensing. One usually cannot advance to upper-level management, partnership, or ownership positions without a Bachelor or Master of Architecture degree (B-ARCH or M-ARCH).

Transfer/Articulation Information
The AS degree is designed to transfer to four-year institutions in the Utah System of Higher Education. Admission into a major program at a transfer institution depends upon the receiving institution’s requirements for that major. Some major programs are restricted and require special application as well as a competitive GPA. See a program Academic Advisor at both SLCC and the intended receiving institution for specific articulation information.

This program has been specifically designed to be an integral part of the College of Architecture + Planning at the University of Utah towards their M-ARCH degree. There is a direct transfer articulation to the undergraduate Architecture program where 2 years at SLCC are equivalent to 2 years at the University of Utah and an indirect articulation to the Urban Ecologies & Multi-Disciplinary undergraduate programs.

This program also has a formal articulation agreement with the Architecture program at Utah Valley University as part of their 5 year B-ARCH degree.

Estimated Cost for Students
Tuition and student fees: http://www.slcc.edu/student/financial/tuition-fees.aspx
Books: $1000
Supplies: $800
Course Fees: $15 Computer Lab Fee

Estimated Time to Completion
Time to completion is 4 semesters based on a full-time minimum of 15 credits per semester. Less than 15 credits per semester will increase time to completion.

Program Student Learning Outcomes Related College-Wide Student Learning Outcomes
  1 - Acquire substantive knowledge
2 - Communicate effectively
3 - Develop quantitative literacies
4 - Think critically and creatively
5 - Develop knowledge and skills to be civically engaged
6 - Develop the knowledge and skills to work with others in a professional and constructive manner
7 - Develop computer and information literacy

Demonstrate abstract creative problem solving skills.

1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Demonstrate industry quality quick hand sketching skills to capture existing buildings ideas or express a design solution.

1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8

Demonstrate industry quality digital graphic communication and presentation skills.

1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7

Demonstrate a developed design process.

1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7

Demonstrate University level knowledge of architecture, architects and styles throughout history.

1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Demonstrate industry level competency in BIM usage.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Demonstrate industry quality digital rendering and visualization skills.

1, 2, 4, 5 , 6, 7

Demonstrate industry quality effective written, verbal and presentation communication skills.

1, 2, 4, 6, 7

Demonstrate industry quality group communication, presentation and collaboration skills.

1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Demonstrate industry quality knowledge of major design disciplines and career opportunities.

1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7


General Education Requirements

Core Skills

Quantitative Literacy (QL) 1 course

American Institutions (AI) 1 course

Institutional Requirements

Communication (CM) 1 course

International & Global (IG) 1 course

Lifelong Wellness (LW) 1 course

Distribution Areas

Select 1 course from each of the Distribution Areas, 5 total courses; 1 course must also be designated as a Diversity (DV)

Graduation Map

Advising Notes

It is the student’s responsibility to examine each course description for details of prerequisite classes. Those prerequisites must be satisfied before the designated class may be taken.

As the College of Architecture + Planning at the University of Utah makes changes to their program, SLCC will update its. It is important for students to see the Department Coordinator for the most current transfer information.

Students who need to take preparatory classes to meet the requirements of first semester courses should plan extra time to complete a degree. A high school curriculum heavily weighted in mathematics, science, and communication skills is highly recommended. Placement testing will be done upon entry to the College unless the student has prior college-level credit. The semester in which the courses are taught are listed above. Please note that because of the nature of the program, classes are sequential and not offered every semester. Students should check department web page for updates and cancellations due to varying enrollments.