Mar 13, 2025
Anthropology: Cultural Resource Management CP: Part-time
View Anthropology: Cultural Resource Management: CP (CTE) page.
Plan of Study 2020-2021
The following is a plan of requirements to complete this Certificate of Proficiency degree in 1 year. Each student’s experience will vary slightly, as this plan does not include transfer work, Advanced Placement (AP), or other institutions’ concurrent enrollment credits. Math and English placement will be based on the student’s appropriate placement scores. If developmental courses are required, they should be taken in the student’s first semester.
NOTE: This plan assumes the student is prepared to take the courses listed. If prerequisites are required, additional semesters may be required to complete this degree.
Meet with the Academic Program Advisor and consult DegreeWorks for specific degree requirements.
Advising Notes
- Certificates of Proficiency do not qualify for Federal Financial Aid. However, courses required for the certificate may be used as electives for an Associate of Science-which is available for Financial Aid. Please see Financial Aid and an Academic Advisor for more information.
*ANTH 2341 is the course substitute for the summer internship- ANTH 2950 . ANTH 2341 will be offered Fall semesters.
*** Credits earned in the CRM certificate may be stacked with additional General Education credits and other credits to earn an AS degree. Courses in this certificate will meet requirements in the following areas:
- General Education Requirements: ANTH 1030 , ANTH 2030 provide Social Science (SS) credit.
- Anthropology Program: ANTH 1030 is a required course, ANTH 2030 , ANTH 2341 , and ANTH 2530 are major electives
- History Program: HIST 2950 is a major elective
- Geospatial Technology Programs & Certificates: GEOG 1800 and GEOG 1820 are required courses