Feb 15, 2025  
2023-2024 SLCC General Catalog 

Social & Behavioral Sciences AS: Full-time

View Social & Behavioral Sciences: AS  page.

Plan of Study

The following is a plan of requirements to complete this Associate of Science degree in 2 years. Each student’s experience will vary slightly, as this plan does not include transfer work, Advanced Placement (AP), or other institutions’ concurrent enrollment credits. Math and English placement will be based on the student’s appropriate placement scores. If developmental courses are required, they should be taken in the student’s first semester.

NOTE: This plan assumes the student is prepared to take the courses listed. If prerequisites are required, additional semesters may be required to complete this degree.

Meet with the Academic Program Advisor and consult DegreeWorks for specific degree requirements.

First Year

 Fall Semester (15 credits)   Spring Semester (16 credits)
☐ Choose one (SS) “Pathways” course: SOC 1010  or PSY 1010  or FHS 1500  - 3 credits   ☐ Choose one “Research” course: SOC 2015  or PSY 2010  or EDU 2030  - 3 credits  
ENGL 1010 Intro to Writing (EN)  -  3 credits     ☐ Choose one (QL) course: MATH 1030  or MATH 1040  or MATH 1050  - 3-4 credits  
International & Global (IG) - 3 credits     ☐ Choose one (EN) course: ENGL 2010  or ENGL 2100  - 3 credits  
Communication (CM) - 3 credits     Lifelong Wellness (LW) - 1 credit    
☐ General Elective - 3 credits   Fine Arts (FA) - 3 credits    
    Humanities (HU) - 3 credits    
► Progress Check: Log in and check your Degree Audit via MySLCC   ► Progress Check: Meet with Academic Program Advisor  

Second Year

Fall Semester (15 credits)   Spring Semester (15 credits)
☐ Program Elective: “Exploration Course #1”   ☐ Program Elective: “Exploration Course #2”  
☐ Choose one recommended (AI) “American Institutions” course: ECON 1740  or POLS 1100   3 credits-   ☐ Program Elective: “Allied Elective”  
Physical Science (PS) - 3 credits     Life Sciences (LS) - 3 credits    
☐ General Elective - 3 credits   ☐ General Elective - 3 credits  
☐ General Elective - 3 credits   ☐ General Elective - 3 credits  
► Progress Check: Apply for Graduation      

Advising Notes

  • Periodically, ask if student would like to pursue one of the emphases or if student would like to declare one of the majors in the social and behavioral sciences. Encourage student to declare a major if it does not prolong the length of time toward completion or incur additional costs.
  • Discuss with student after first year about which transfer institution they plan on attending and if specific courses are needed for programs/majors the student would pursue after transfer. Course substitutions will likely be granted if the student presents a rationale demonstrating the courses needed for transfer.
  • Students who choose an emphasis in this degree are highly encouraged to take all recommended courses as part of their General Education requirements where it applies and where possible. This allows students more flexibility when selecting “Allied” courses in the program or general electives.
  • All “Pathways” courses in the major (and emphases) will fulfill a General Education requirement. The course will also fulfill the “Pathways” program requirement and students should then select a course from the “Allied” category, or from the category indicated in PCO3 for the specific emphasis.
  • This major will serve as the default for all students who select the “Social and Behavioral Sciences (SBS) Area of Study” unless they select a different major. The degree is most useful for students planning on transferring to a university or for students exploring the various disciplines in the social and behavioral sciences. It is designed to serve SBS students who, in the past, would have completed a “General Studies” degree.
  • Environmental Justice Studies (ENVS), Ethnic Studies (ETHS), Gender Studies (GNDR), and Social Justice Studies (SJS) are emphases without a corresponding full major. For students interested in these fields, they should declare the Social & Behavioral Sciences, A.S. with an emphasis in [ENVS, ETHS, GNDR, or SJS].
  • Students who desire to declare two emphases are not required to repeat any “Pathways” or “Research” courses if they are the same. Instead, students should be advised to focus on taking “Emphasis” courses. In most cases, declaring two emphases requires taking at least 24 credit hours comprising of different courses. Students who would take more than 27 credit hours to fulfill the requirements of two emphases should be advised against doing so and encouraged to focus on degree completion and transfer.