Feb 15, 2025  
2023-2024 SLCC General Catalog 

Media Music AAS: Full-time

View Media Music: AAS (CTE)  page.

Plan of Study

The following is a plan of requirements to complete this Associate of Applied Science degree in 2 years. Each student’s experience will vary slightly, as this plan does not include transfer work, Advanced Placement (AP), or other institutions’ concurrent enrollment credits. Math and English placement will be based on the student’s appropriate placement scores. If developmental courses are required, they should be taken in the student’s first semester.

NOTE: This plan assumes the student is prepared to take the courses listed. If prerequisites are required, additional semesters may be required to complete this degree.

Meet with the Academic Program Advisor and consult DegreeWorks for specific degree requirements.

First Year

 Fall Semester (17 credits)   Spring Semester (17 credits)
☐ MUSC 0990 Recital Attendance  -  0 credits          MUSC 0990 Recital Attendance  -  0 credits    
☐ Ensemble   ☐ Ensemble  
MUSC 1110 Music Theory I  -  3 credits     MUSC 1120 Music Theory II  -  3 credits      
MUSC 1130 Sight Singing/Ear Training I  -  1 credits     MUSC 1140 Sight Singing/Ear Training II  -  1 credits    
MUSC 1520 Intro to MIDI/Elec Music Comp  -  3 credits     MUSC 1540 MIDI II/Media Music Comp  -  3 credits    
☐ MUSC 1200 Introduction to the Music Industry  -  1 credits     ENGL 1010 Intro to Writing (EN)  -  3 credits    
☐ MUSC 1300 Money & Creative Professionals  -  1 credits     ☐ Human Relations (HR) - 3 credits    
☐ Quantitative Studies (QS) - 3 credits     ☐ Distribution Areas - 3 credits    
☐ Distribution Areas - 3 credits        
► Progress Check: Log in and check your Degree Audit via MySLCC   ► Progress Check: Meet with Academic Program Advisor  

Second Year

Fall Semester (17 credits)   Spring Semester (16 credits)
MUSC 0990 Recital Attendance  -  0 credits     MUSC 0990 Recital Attendance  -  0 credits    
☐ Ensemble   ☐ Ensemble  
MUSC 2110 Music Theory III  -  3 credits       MUSC 2120 Music Theory IV  -  3 credits       
MUSC 2130 Sight Singing/Ear Training III  -  1 credits     MUSC 2140 Sight Singing/Ear Training IV  -  1 credits    
MUSC 2500 Music Production Group  -  4 credits     MUSC 2350 Conducting Fundamentals  -  2 credits    
☐ Elective     ☐ MUSC 2500 Music Production Group  -  4 credits    
☐ Elective     ☐ Elective    
☐ Communication (CM) - 3 credits     ☐ Elective    
► Progress Check: Apply for Graduation      

Advising Notes

  • It is recommended that students complete their distribution requirements by taking MUSC 1500 (which meets the Interdisciplinary distribution requirement) and one of the following: MUSC 1010, MUSC 1030 or MUSC 1040 (each of which meets the Fine Arts distribution requirement). It is also recommended that students complete their HR General Education requirement by taking FA 1025  .  It is the student’s responsibility to examine each course description for details of prerequisites for each class. Those prerequisites must be satisfied before the designated class may be taken.

  • Additional semesters of Performance Ensembles may also be used for elective credit - qualifying courses for performance ensemble credit include MUSC 1350, MUSC 1360, MUSC 1370, MUSC 1380, MUSC 1390, MUSC 1450, MUSC 1460, MUSC 1470, and MUSC 1480. An audition may be required for specific ensembles. Students may repeat any performance ensemble classes for both the required and elective credit in this degree program.

  • Students may use MUSC 1712, MUSC 1715, MUSC 1722, MUSC 1725, MUSC 1732, MUSC 1735, MUSC 1742, MUSC 1745, MUSC 1752, MUSC 1755, MUSC 1762, MUSC 1765, MUSC 2712, MUSC 2715, MUSC 2722, MUSC 2725, MUSC 2732, MUSC 2735, MUSC 2742, MUSC 2745, MUSC 2752, MUSC 2755, MUSC 2762, and MUSC 2765 to complete any elective credits for private vocal or instrumental lesson instruction. Students must pass a proficiency jury to advance to the second year (2000) level of private applied instruction. These courses may be repeated for elective credit in this degree program.

  • Reminder: At least four of the elective credits in the media music degree program must be selected from among MUSC 1050, MUSC 1060, MUSC 2510, MUSC 2520 .

  • Reminder: All students in the media music program are required to meet with a full-time instructor at least once during each semester to discuss their progress toward graduation. For the media music degree, students should meet with Thomas Baggaley (Ph: 801-957-3237, Email: thomas.baggaley@slcc.edu)MUSC 0990 must be taken each semester for four semesters Students may use any combination of MUSC 1350, MUSC 1360, MUSC 1370, MUSC 1380, MUSC 1390, MUSC 1450, MUSC 1460, MUSC 1470, MUSC 1480 (including repeating any of these classes for credit - which is the normal case) to fulfill the four credits of vocal or instrumental performance ensemble that must be taken.

  • In order to receive this degree, all students are required to pass a piano/keyboard proficiency exam, which is usually taken at the beginning of the student’s first semester in the program. Students with insufficient prior preparation in this area may be required to take MUSC 1150 and MUSC 1160 to obtain the necessary skills to successfully complete the piano proficiency requirement.  Contact Thomas Baggaley: thomas.baggaley@slcc.edu.

  • In the final semester before graduation, all students are required to pass a portfolio review with the full-time music faculty from the music program.