Feb 15, 2025
Psychology AS: Full-time
View Psychology: AS page
Plan of Study
The following is a plan of requirements to complete this Associate of Science degree in 2 years. Each student’s experience will vary slightly, as this plan does not include transfer work, Advanced Placement (AP), or other institutions’ concurrent enrollment credits. Math and English placement will be based on the student’s appropriate placement scores. If developmental courses are required, they should be taken in the student’s first semester.
NOTE: This plan assumes the student is prepared to take the courses listed. If prerequisites are required, additional semesters may be required to complete this degree.
Meet with the Academic Program Advisor and consult DegreeWorks for specific degree requirements.
First Year
Second Year
Advising Notes:
- Students may use PSY 1010/PSY 1100 to fulfill a Major Course Requirement or a General Education Distribution Area in Social Science, but not both.
- PSY 2250, 2300, 2500, and 2710 all articulate as “Core Area Courses” at the University of Utah, with a maximum of 3 courses articulating in 3 Core Areas. PSY 2250 and 2500 are in the same Core Area at the University of Utah.
- One course from HU, SS, FA, LS, or PS must also be a Diversity (DV) course.
- Please consult articulation plans and the transfer portal for specific information about course articulation and transferability with individual USHE institutions. Refer the University of Utah “Transfer Pathway” plan (4 and 5-year) for transfer and articulation information pertinent to the University of Utah.
- It is the student’s responsibility to examine each course description for details of prerequisite classes. Those prerequisites must be satisfied before the designated class may be taken. Students who need to take preparatory classes to meet the requirements of first semester courses should plan on extra time to complete the program.
- Students should check the semester class schedule for day/evening availability and modifications caused by varying enrollment.