Sep 22, 2024  
2017-2018 SLCC General Catalog 

Course Descriptions

Course Numbering Information:
Courses at SLCC are identified by an alphabetic prefix (two to four letters) followed by a four-digit number. Numbers beginning with a “1” generally indicate a course designed primarily for freshmen (such as ENGL 1010 ); numbers beginning with a “2” generally indicate courses designed primarily for sophomores (such as MATH 2010 ); numbers beginning with a “0” generally indicate preparatory courses that are non-transferable (such as WRTG 0990 ).


Electronics Technology (SAT)

  • KECT 0110 - Signal Processing

    Contact Hours: 60
    This course will cover the fundamentals of signal processing, to include modern Digital Signal Processing, complete coverage of systems, principles of electronic signals, both analog and digital. AM/FM circuits, modulation and multiplexing techniques, acquisition, reconstruction, sampling and quantization, Phase Locked Loop circuits, and hands-on projects of processing circuits.

    Prerequisite: KET2 0106 
    Additional Course Fee Required

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  • KECT 0111 - Electronic COM Systems

    Contact Hours: 120
    This course will cover the principles of Electronic Communication Systems, a systems approach covering communications technologies, wave propagation, HF fundamentals, AM/FM circuits, AM/CB/SSB transceivers, Multiplexing (DEMUX), Data Transmission Techniques, Transmission Lines, Smith Chart usage, Communication Tests and Measurements,and Electromagnetic Interference Testing.

    Prerequisite: KECT 0110 
    Additional Course Fee Required

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  • KECT 0112 - Antennas, Transmission Lines & Towers

    Contact Hours: 60
    This course will provide basic Antennas concepts, antenna theory and practical designs, antenna projects, antenna impedance, transmission Lines, antenna measurements and Antenna Modeling. In the Tower portion of the course you will learn the proper procedures working with towers, inspections, performing maintenance, Cables, Connections, and safety measures for antennas and towers.

    Prerequisite: KECT 0111 
    Additional Course Fee Required

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  • KECT 0113 - Telecommunications & Data Communications

    Contact Hours: 72
    This course will cover Telecommunications and Data Communications Technologies that support modern communication systems, Analog & Digital Telephony, protocols, optical wiring, wireless telephony, safety, transmission services, cabling, test equipment, distribution methods, Interfacing, Internet, networks and troubleshooting. This course will prepare for the TCM certification.

    Prerequisite: KECT 0140 
    Additional Course Fee Required

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  • KECT 0114 - FCC License Preparation - General Radiotelephone Operator License

    Contact Hours: 36
    Covers principles of AM/FM/ phase/modulation/pulse modulation/tuned RF/power amplifiers, transmission lines/antennas/transmitter-receiver fundamentals/maritime-aviation radio law. Students prepare for General Radiotelephone Operators License (GROL) FCC exam. A requirement to adjust, maintain, or internally repair FCC licensed radiotelephone transmitters.

    Prerequisite: KECT 0113 

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  • KECT 0141 - Microwaves and Radar Systems

    Contact Hours: 72
    This course covers microwave systems, devices, and provides an understanding of how everything fits together to make communications, navigation, and equipment.Topics include microwave fundamentals, power, equipment for measuring microwave, signal control components, IC amplifiers, microwave oscillators, receivers, microwave tubes, antennas, relay, satellite and radar systems.

    Prerequisite: KECT 0112 
    Additional Course Fee Required

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  • KECT 0151 - Fiber Optics Installer Certification

    Contact Hours: 96
    The Fiber Optics course will cover, installation, preparation, troubleshooting, and design of fiber optics cables and systems. Lab projects will include cable preparation and connectors, splicing, OTDR usage and industry standards. Theory and Hands-on training covers all competencies required of a FOI Technician and knowledge to pass the examination.

    Additional Course Fee Required

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Electronics (SAT)

  • KELA 0151 - Universal Assembly and Repair

    Contact Hours: 72
    A project oriented course that provides basic soldering and assembly skills required of electronics technicians. The focus is on thru-hole soldering to industry specifications.

    Additional Course Fee Required

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  • KELA 0161 - Surface Mount Technology

    Contact Hours: 72
    Learn theory, installation, and quality workmanship methods involved in surface mount technologies (SMT), including component identification, placement, and rework soldering techniques.

    Prerequisite: KELA 0151  or equivalent education or experience, must provide proof of this to dept
    Additional Course Fee Required

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  • KELA 0172 - IPC-A-610 F Cert IPC Specialist

    Contact Hours: 36
    Designed and certified by IPC. Enables students to make correct accept/reject decisions for appropriate class(es) of electronic assemblies. Certification earned through examination.

    Additional Course Fee Required

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  • KELA 0175 - IPC-A-610E IPC Certified IPC Specialist Recertification

    Contact Hours: 12
    Designed and certified by IPC, this course supports challenge testing. A “Challenge Test” will involve the applicant completing the same skills measurement examinations as is required of those taking the full course. Individuals are limited to take a challenge test more than once in any twelve-month period.

    Recommended Prerequisite: Previous IPC Certifications
    Recommended Corequisite: Completion of equivalent support courses and/or experience.IPC certification.
    Additional Course Fee Required

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  • KELA 0190 - Basic Assembly and Soldering

    Contact Hours: 24
    A basic assembly and soldering skills course required of communications electronics technicians. The focus is hand-on thru-hole soldering to industry specifications.

    Additional Course Fee Required

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  • KET2 0101 - Electronics Math

    Contact Hours: 100
    The Electronics Math course will cover basic math, a review of arithmetic fundamentals, metric notation, and square roots. Algebra fundamentals, linear equations, graphing, and logarithms in electronics is also covered. The fundamentals of trigonometry, and statistics is also covered, as well as the proper usage of the scientific calculator.

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  • KET2 0102 - Technical Writing

    Contact Hours: 18
    This course will cover the principles of technical writing, organization, formats, and knowing the audience. It will cover formats of page design, elements of reports, formats of correspondence, and writing proposals. The course will cover the skills needed to write and support required engineering related documentation, such as proposals and engineering lab reports.

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  • KET2 0103 - DC Fundamentals & Circuits

    Contact Hours: 120
    The course will cover DC fundamentals, resistive components, Ohms Law, Power calculations, Series and Parallel circuit formulas and characteristics. The usage of meters to measure voltage, current, resistance, and DC power sources. The course is a balance of theory, and hands-on, including measurements, troubleshooting, and circuit construction.

    Prerequisite: KET2 0101  or equivalent
    Additional Course Fee Required

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  • KET2 0104 - AC Fundamentals & Circuits

    Contact Hours: 120
    The course will cover the fundamentals of AC circuits, transformers, inductors, capacitors, RL/RC, and RCL circuits, passive filters, and resonance circuits. The course will cover AC calculations, measurements, and troubleshooting. In addition, usage of Oscilloscopes, function generators, and frequency counters will be addressed.

    Prerequisite: KET2 0103  or equivalent
    Additional Course Fee Required

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  • KET2 0105 - Analog Devices & Circuits

    Contact Hours: 160
    Coverage of a variety of semi-conductor devices, operating characteristics, calculations, circuit applications,measurement and troubleshooting; including diodes, transistors, V-regulators, Amps, and FET¨s. Also include oscillators, SCR¨s, multivibrators, and operational amplifiers circuits. Analog is covered through applications exploration.

    Prerequisite: KET2 0104  or equivalent
    Additional Course Fee Required

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  • KET2 0106 - Digital Circuits & Apps

    Contact Hours: 160
    Covers digital fundamentals, electrical characteristics of digital IC¨s; testing and troubleshooting of logic circuits and applications; conversions/simplification. Applications; includes flip-flops, register memory circuits, arithmetic counting, displays, conversion. The focus will be on digital apps and will include hands-on projects.

    Prerequisite: KET2 0105  or equivalent
    Additional Course Fee Required

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  • KET2 0107 - CET Associate Tech Cert

    Contact Hours: 32
    This course is designed to assist in the preparation for the CET Associate certification, for technicians who have less than two years experience or trade school training for electronics technicians. This industry certification represents your body of knowledge for Electronics Technicians. The course itself is a review of Electronics Technology, approximately 2 years of knowledge.

    Additional Course Fee Required

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  • KET2 0108 - Test and Measurement Instrumentation

    Contact Hours: 60
    Through a hands-on approach, the full-usage of common instruments such as Power Supplies, DMM, Oscilloscopes, and Spectrum/Logic Analyzers. The exploration of the Test and Measurement Industry, ATE, covering tools used to analyze, validate, and verify measurements of electronic and mechanical systems, operating principles, strengths and weaknesses.

    Prerequisite: KET2 0106  or equivalent
    Additional Course Fee Required

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  • KET2 0109 - Applied Electronics Math

    Contact Hours: 60
    The course will cover applied concepts of metric notation, square roots, algebra fundamentals, linear equations, graphing, logarithms, trigonometry, and statistics, as applied to the field of electronics technologies. Scientific calculator usage, as applied to practical applications. The course will introduce you to applications as you master the required math skills.

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  • KET2 0112 - DC Electronics

    Contact Hours: 96
    The course will cover DC basics, magnetism, electrical safety, components, Ohms Law and Power calculations, Electrical measurements, Series and Parallel Circuits, Power Supplies and Batteries. The course is a balance of theory, and hands-on, including measurements, troubleshooting, and circuit construction.

    Recommended Prerequisite: Completion of equivalent support courses and/or experience.
    Additional Course Fee Required

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  • KET2 0113 - AC Electronics

    Contact Hours: 96
    The course will cover the Principles of Alternating Current, Inductance, and Capacitance. Transformer, AC Generator and Motor Theory, RC, RL, RCL Principles and Circuits. Passive Filters, AC calculations and measurements, troubleshooting, and usage of Oscilloscopes, function generators, and frequency counters.

    Recommended Prerequisite: Completion of equivalent support courses and/or experience.
    Additional Course Fee Required

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  • KET2 0114 - Analog Electronics

    Contact Hours: 96
    Coverage of Semi-Conductor Technology, Active Devices such as Diodes, Transistors, Thyristors, Optoelectronics, and Operational Amplifiers.  IC Characteristics, Power Supply Circuits, Amplifiers, Active Filters, and Oscillators. Circuit construction, troubleshooting and Field-Programmable Analog Devices.

    Recommended Prerequisite: Completion of equivalent support courses and/or experience.
    Additional Course Fee Required

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  • KET2 0119 - Digital Circuits & Systems

    Contact Hours: 96
    Course covers Digital Concepts, Safety, and Circuits. Numbering Systems, Boolean Algebra, Conversion Circuits, Troubleshooting and usage of Digital Test Equipment. Theory and Application of Digital Logic Functions, Circuitry, Programmable Logic Devices and Computer Architectures.

    Recommended Prerequisite: Completion of previous support courses or equivalent education and/or experience.
    Additional Course Fee Required

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  • KET2 0129 - Electronics Math 2

    Contact Hours: 72
    The Electronics Math 2 includes modules such as Trigonometry fundamentals, logarithm in electronics, math for digital electronics, and an introduction to statistics in electronic electronics.

    Prerequisite: KET2 0128 

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  • KET2 0171 - Microprocessors

    Contact Hours: 96
    Covers basic concepts of microcomputer and microprocessor architecture, assembly language and machine language programming, debugging and troubleshooting. Interfacing hardware/software, control and feedback is covered. The Freescale 68K, and HCS12 are covered devices.

    Prerequisite: KET2 0169 
    Additional Course Fee Required

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  • KET2 0172 - Embedded Controllers

    Contact Hours: 96
    This class covers the fundamentals of the microcontroller familys architecture and instruction set. Topics include the architecture, instruction set, writing and editing assembly programs, and programming devices. The PIC controller is covered.

    Prerequisite: KET2 0169 
    Additional Course Fee Required

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  • KET2 0173 - Troubleshooting

    Contact Hours: 96
    Covers the principles, techniques, and procedures for trouble-shooting electronics equipment. Covers power supplies, audio and RF systems, analog, and digital systems. Emphasis is on the use of test equipment and the troubleshooting process.

    Prerequisite: KET2 0169 

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  • KET2 0176 - Microcontrollers

    Contact Hours: 96
    This course will cover concepts and applications of microcontroller devices, assembly language, circuits, software, and embedded applications. Coverage of processor core, memory, and programmable peripherals. The student will build embedded systems, and run, edit and write programs.

    Recommended Prerequisite: Completion of previous support courses or equivalent education and/or experience.
    Additional Course Fee Required

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  • KET2 0220 - Coop. Internship - Elective

    Contact Hours: 100
    Students participate in cooperative internship with a local company. Student and instructor will work with company to ensure students complete specific tasks and assignments in a workplace environment to enhance their competency.

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  • KET2 0250 - Programmable Logic Controllers

    Contact Hours: 96
    Programmable Logic Controllers course will provide coverage of all aspects of programming, installation, maintaining procedures and hardware components. Development of wiring diagrams, Ladder Logic Programs, Programming of Timers, Counters, Data Manipulation, Sequencer and Shift Register Instructions. Troubleshooting of process control, Network Systems, SCADA and usage of the CLX Controllers.

    Additional Course Fee Required

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Energy Management (CE)

  • EGMT 1010 - Intro to Energy Management

    Credits: 2
    Provides an overview of the energy management field and defines the need for energy management as an integral part of society. Course presents various vocational opportunities through lectures, guest speakers, and site visits.

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  • EGMT 1020 - Residential Building Energy

    Credits: 3
    Introduction to best practices for the design, construction, and operation of energy-efficient homes. Students will learn to evaluate existing buildings and present suggested safety, indoor environmental quality and efficiency upgrades.

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  • EGMT 1030 - RESNET/HERS Rater Certification Preparation

    Credits: 2
    Course offers practical instruction on how to effectively use the knowledge and skills required by the Residential Energy Services Network (RESNET) Home Energy Rating System (HERS) to produce accurate and fair home energy ratings.

    Prerequisite: EGMT 1020 or Instructor Approval

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  • EGMT 1110 - Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning Energy Analysis I

    Credits: 2
    Course introduces HVAC fundamentals including applications for residential and commercial energy use. Topics include HVAC functions, units and measurements, heat transfer and load calculations, thermodynamics, building envelope, indoor air quality and an introduction to the study of the physical properties of air.

    Semester: Fall

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  • EGMT 1120 - Commercial Energy Analysis

    Credits: 3
    Analysis of energy use and management in commercial buildings; preparing for and performing walk through audits in apartments, restaurants, retail, and office facilities. Emphasis on analyzing and presenting data obtained from field experience.

    Prerequisite: EGMT 1220, EGMT 1240 or instructor approval

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  • EGMT 1130 - Building Energy Simulations

    Credits: 3
    Course reviews computer programs available for analyzing commercial buildings. Topics include code and output format, BIN methodology, hourly simulations and current programs on market. Students perform simulations under supervision.

    Prerequisite: EGMT 1220, EGMT 1240 or instructor approval

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  • EGMT 1210 - Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning Energy Analysis II

    Credits: 2
    An overview of HVAC system types, the refrigeration cycle, fluid flow in piping and ducts, psychrometrics, and energy conserving retrofit options.

    Prerequisite: MATH 1010, PHYS 1010, EGMT 1700, EGMT 1110 or instructor approval

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  • EGMT 1220 - Commercial A/C System Analysis

    Credits: 2
    Course will explore Air Conditioning systems commonly found in the commercial environment. Site visits and discussions will help students identify system types and conservation opportunities associated with each technology.

    Semester: Spring

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  • EGMT 1230 - Energy Control Strategies

    Credits: 3
    Course covers devices used to regulate energy use in buildings, pneumatic/electric/electronic; from manual to auto, simple switches to microprocessors. Emphasis on control/ calibration problems and re-designing for energy efficiency.

    Prerequisite: EGMT 1220 , EGMT 1240 , and EGMT 1700  or instructor approval

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  • EGMT 1240 - Energy Efficiency Methods

    Credits: 2
    Course emphasis is on energy management calculation methods using computerized spreadsheets, focusing on energy conversion factors, dimensional analysis and documentation standards. Fundamental effective calculations practiced for combustion motors and refrigeration.

    Prerequisite: EGMT 1210

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  • EGMT 1310 - Lighting Fundamentals

    Credits: 2
    Course assesses quantity and quality of light, light sources and controls, luminaires, manufacturer lamp and ballast specifications, lighting power density and HVAC interactions, retrofit opportunities, cost saving analysis, lighting codes & regulations. Students complete a lighting audit project to present in class.

    Prerequisite: EGMT 1110, PHYS 1010, and EGMT 1700 or instructor approval

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  • EGMT 1320 - Lighting Applications

    Credits: 2
    Students will review terminology & lighting fundamentals, IES illuminance selection procedures, evaluate lighting systems, luminaires & associated components, perform illuminance calculations including point by point, lumen & computerized procedures. Students will complete a lighting analysis of a predetermined building design.

    Prerequisite: EGMT 1310 and MATH 1010

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  • EGMT 1410 - Energy Investment Analysis

    Credits: 2
    Course teaches how to answer the question: What is or is not an appropriate energy efficiency measure investment? Topics include utility rate schedules, simple payback analysis, compound interest, time value of money, cost estimating, life cycle cost analysis (LCCA), and simulation tools. Students will complete and present a LCCA project.

    Prerequisite: EGMT 1210, EGMT 1240, EGMT 1310, and MATH 1010

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  • EGMT 1420 - Energy Accounting

    Credits: 2
    Course will review energy units, data gathering for energy accounting utility rates and schedules, energy data organization, adjusted baselines, cost avoidance, load factor, data analysis, and data presentation.

    Prerequisite: CSIS 1019

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  • EGMT 1540 - Alt. Energy Technologies

    Credits: 2
    Survey of sources of energy that may be used to increase energy supply in the Mountain West region including: wind, geothermal, solar and biomass. Environmental, social and economic advantages of each source are assessed.

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  • EGMT 1600 - Intro. to Water Resources

    Credits: 2
    Introduction to various water and water-related topics such as water cycles, supplemental water sources and water conservation. Examination of personal, regional and global perceptions, behaviors and uses that impact water resources.

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  • EGMT 1700 - Basic Electrical Theory

    Credits: 3
    This course is designed to provide students with a basic understanding of electricity. Subjects include: electron theory, magnetism, electromagnetism, Ohm’s Law, series, parallel and multi-wire circuits, protection devices, DC/AC theory, capacitance, inductance, motor, transformer and generator theory, NEC Code navigation, voltage drop, and wire sizing.

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  • EGMT 1710 - Basic Photovoltaics Systems

    Credits: 3
    This course introduces students to the basic principles of utility interactive photovoltaic system design. Through classroom and hands on instruction this course provides the knowledge to: conduct site evaluations; prepare a basic electrical and mechanical design; select appropriate components; perform a financial benefit analysis; prepare a proposal; and work safely with PV systems.

    Prerequisite: EGMT 1700

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  • EGMT 1720 - Adv. Photovoltaic Systems

    Credits: 3
    Learn to safely work with PV systems, conduct site assessments, adapt mechanical/electrical designs, perform system checkouts/inspections, design, install, maintain & troubleshoot commercial/off-grid PV, battery based and hybrid systems. Curriculum is in accordance to the local municipality and current NEC code. Students will have hands on experience with a grid tied and off grid systems.

    Prerequisite: EGMT 1710 or instructor approval

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  • EGMT 2060 - Energy Management Seminar I

    Credits: 1
    Seminar is a pathway for students to increase their understanding of industry expectations, as well as develop job search tools/skills. Course is designed to help students successfully transition from classroom to professional careers.

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  • EGMT 2065 - Energy Management Seminar II

    Credits: 1
    Seminar is a pathway for students to increase their understanding of industry expectations, as well as develop job search tools/skills. Course is designed to help students successfully transition from classroom to professional careers.

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  • EGMT 2800 - Energy Management Capstone

    Credits: 4
    Students may elect to perform an Internship or a Capstone Project to fulfill this requirement. This program requirement is designed to both apply and evaluate learning throughout the Energy Management degree program, preparing the student for employment within the energy management industry.

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Energy Sector Training (CE)

  • CESG 0150 - Energy Essentials

    Contact Hours: 30
    Overview of Energy production and transmission along with the role it plays in industry, transportation, buildings and homes. For Non-Apprentice Electric Sector students.

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  • CESG 0175 - Math for Industry

    Contact Hours: 45
    Students learn the necessary math skills for application in the electrical industry. Content includes fundamental concepts of algebra, equations, and basic trigonometry that relates to industry scenarios.

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  • CESG 0400 - Basic Electricity for the Power Industry

    Contact Hours: 90
    An introduction to basic electrical theory with practical applications used in the energy industry. Subjects include: Introduction to Electrical Circuits, DC electrical theory, AC electrical theory, Electrical Test Equipment, and an Introduction to the National Electric Code.

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  • CESG 0441 - Electrical Distribution Systems

    Contact Hours: 90
    The design and construction of electrical distribution systems are covered in this course. Topics include: substations, overhead and underground transmission and distribution lines, conductors and insulators, high and low-voltage troubleshooting procedures, and stringing and live-line procedures.

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  • CESG 0450 - Transformer Basics

    Contact Hours: 45
    This course exposes students to transformer design and operation that emphasizes the installation and maintenance of transformer equipment. Subjects include: three-phase transformers; autotransformers and reactors; safety requirements and troubleshooting.

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  • CESG 0600 - Print Reading

    Contact Hours: 45
    An introductory course in electrical utility blueprint reading which defines the physical and electrical arrangements of equipment including power plants, substations, transmission lines, distribution lines and customer service facilities. This is a critical skill for individuals who operate, maintain, repair or modify utility equipment.

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  • CESG 0610 - Digital Electronics

    Contact Hours: 45
    This course is designed to introduce students to digital electronics devices and systems. This course will emphasize the theory of operation as well as installation and troubleshooting of these devices and systems through lectures and hands-on training.

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  • CESG 0620 - Electromechanical Systems

    Contact Hours: 60
    A study of devices and components that translate electrical energy into mechanical motion.  Topics include DC and AC motors and controllers, servo and stepping motors, solenoids, linear motors and actuators.  The course also introduces the student to programmable logic controllers (PLC), ladder logic and PID controllers.

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  • CESG 0630 - Underground Distribution Systems

    Contact Hours: 90
    This course is designed to introduce students to the design and construction of underground electrical distribution systems and the challenges that an underground structure presents. Students will be trained to safely perform a number of common distribution tasks typically performed in the construction and maintenance of an underground distribution system.

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  • CESG 0910 - Computer Literacy/Energy Sect

    Contact Hours: 45
    Overview and introduction to computer software applications for general knowledge and specifically as used in the Energy Sector.

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  • ENGR 1030 - MATLAB Problem Solving

    Credits: 3
    An introduction to engineering problem solving using MATLAB. Course work includes interactive computing, data analysis, and graphics.

    Prerequisite: MATH 1210  (may be taken concurrently)
    Corequisite: ENGR 1035  
    Semester: All

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  • ENGR 1035 - MATLAB Problem Solving Lab

    Credits: 0
    This course is the lab to accompany ENGR 1030. Practical applications of the MATLAB programming language. MATLAB will be used to program low-cost off the shelf robots, using readily available parts such as the Lego Mindstorms system.

    Prerequisite: MATH 1210  (may be taken concurrently)
    Corequisite: ENGR 1030  
    Semester: Fall & Spring

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  • ENGR 1040 - Engineering Computing

    Credits: 3
    A first course in engineering problem solving, this course introduces MATLAB and C++. Problems are drawn from the various disciplines in engineering. No previous experience with computer programming is assumed.

    Prerequisite: MATH 1060 or 1080
    Semester: Fall

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  • ENGR 1050 - Intro to Nanotechnology (PS)

    Credits: 3
    Nanoscience sits at the intersection of the basic scientific disciplines. This technology has far reaching implications in healthcare, environment, business, and society, and has wide ranging ethical impacts in the world today. This course introduces the basic concepts of nanoscience and explores how it is changing our world.

    Semester: All

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  • ENGR 1600 - Engineering the Guitar (ID)

    Credits: 3
    Students will construct and take home an electric guitar. Engineering concepts related to manufacturing processes and scientific concepts related to the behavior of musical instruments will be explored. Students will be introduced to basic fingering and will learn simple chords on their new instrument. This course emphasizes the inter-relationships between science, engineering and art.

    Semester: Fall & Spring

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  • ENGR 2010 - Statics

    Credits: 3
    Principles of forces & motion, moments & couples; resultant & static equilibrium of general force system; statically equivalent systems, moment of area, centroid, center of mass, gravity & pressure; friction; moment of inertia. Free body method of analysis and principles applied to engineering problems.

    Prerequisite: MATH 1210
    Semester: All
    Additional Course Fee Required

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  • ENGR 2020 - Dynamics I

    Credits: 2
    Position, velocity and acceleration, vector calculus, particle kinematics, kinetics of particles, including Newtons Laws, conservation of momentum and energy, and impact vibratory motion of particles are covered.

    Prerequisite: ENGR 2010
    Semester: All
    Additional Course Fee Required

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  • ENGR 2030 - Dynamics

    Credits: 3
    Position, velocity and acceleration, vector calculus, particle kinematics, kinetics of particles, including Newton’s Laws, conservation of momentum and energy, and impact vibratory motion of particles are covered.  Also included are kinetics and kinematics of rigid bodies in 2-D and 3-D motion, moving frames, 3-D mass moment of inertia, and an introduction to vibration analysis of mechanical systems.

    Prerequisite: ENGR 2010  
    Recommended Corequisite: MATH 2210  
    Semester: All

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  • ENGR 2050 - Nano II - Properties of Nanomaterials

    Credits: 3
    This course teaches students concepts associated with nanomaterial properties including; electronic structure, colloidal chemistry, magnetism, and photonics.

    Semester: Fall & Spring

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  • ENGR 2060 - Dynamics II

    Credits: 2
    This course examines Kinetics and Kinematics of rigid bodies in 2-D and 3-D motion. It also covers moving frames, 3-D mass moment of inertia, conservation of momentum, energy, impact and an intro. to vibration analysis of mechanical systems.

    Prerequisite: ENGR 2020
    Semester: Fall & Spring

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  • ENGR 2070 - Micro & Nanoscale Fabrication Processes

    Credits: 2
    This course teaches students about the various micro and nano fabrication procedures associated with deposition, patterning, and etching.

    Prerequisite: ENGR 1050  w/C grade or better and MATH 1050  w/C grade or better or appropraite placement score
    Semester: Fall & Spring

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  • ENGR 2140 - Strength of Materials

    Credits: 2
    Internal forces in members, concept of stress and strain, axial loading, Hooke’s Law, torsion, pure bending, traverse loading, transformations of stress and strain, plane stress and strain, pressure vessels, Mohr’s circle, strain energy, beam deflection and column bending are discussed.

    Semester: All
    Additional Course Fee Required

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  • ENGR 2145 - Testing of Engineering Materials

    Credits: 1
    This is an introductory laboratory in mechanical behavior of materials using basic testing methods and instrumentation, column bending, tension and compression of metals, concrete failure, Charpy’s Impact, and creep tests.

    Prerequisite: ENGR 2010  , ENGR 2140  (may be taken concurrently), and MATH 2250  (may be taken concurrently)
    Additional Course Fee Required

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  • ENGR 2300 - Engineering Thermodynamics

    Credits: 3
    First and second law of thermodynamics, internal energy, enthalpy, entropy and open and closed systems are covered. Engineering cycles including Carnot, Otto, Diesel, Brayton and Refrigeration are introduced. Integrated lab/hands-on activities.

    Prerequisite: CHEM 1210, MATH 1220
    Semester: All

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  • ENGR 2320 - Engineering Economics

    Credits: 2
    Fundamental engineering economics topics, including equivalence, compound interest and discount rate factors, nominal and effective interest rates, cash flow diagrams, capitalized cost, net present worth analysis, equivalent uniform annual cost, internal rate of return, benefit-cost analysis, basic microeconomics, cost estimation, and cost indexes.

    Prerequisite: CEEN 1100  and MATH 1220  ; and ENGR 1040  or ENGR 1030  
    Semester: Fall & Spring

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  • ENGR 2450 - Numerical Methods

    Credits: 3
    ENGR 1040  Numerical techniques used in engineering computing, including: convergence, error accumulation, roots, solution of linear and nonlinear equations, numerical integration and differentiation, and solutions to differential equations.

    Prerequisite: ENGR 1030  or ENGR 1040 ; and MATH 2250  (may be taken concurrently)
    Semester: All
    Additional Course Fee Required

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  • ENGR 2550 - Applied Probability & Statistics for Engineers

    Credits: 3
    This course covers the role of statistics in engineering, probability theory and distributions, continuous random variables, random sampling, data description, and statistical analyses for a simple sample, and common hypothesis testing.

    Prerequisite: ENGR 1030  or ENGR 1040  ; and MATH 1220  
    Semester: Fall & Spring

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Engineering Drafting & Manufacturing Technology

  • EDDT 1010 - Technical Drafting I

    Credits: 3
    Lab practice in board drafting techniques, use of drafting tools, lettering, geometric construction, orthographic and isometric sketching, projection techniques, section views, and dimensioning standards.

    Semester: All

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  • EDDT 1040 - Introduction to AutoCAD

    Credits: 3
    Basic skills using AutoCad for drawing applications are taught. The course includes: draw and modify commands, geometric construction, dimensions, templates, blocks and libraries, hatching, layers, scales, and plotting.

    Semester: All
    Additional Course Fee Required

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  • EDDT 1100 - Advanced AutoCAD

    Credits: 2
    Advanced skills using AutoCAD. Includes: introduction to detail and assembly drawings, advanced geometric construction, isometric drawing, auxiliary views, advanced dimensioning, dynamic blocks with attributes, and AutoCAD 3D Modeling.

    Prerequisite: EDDT 1040
    Semester: All
    Additional Course Fee Required

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  • EDDT 1200 - Technical Drafting II

    Credits: 4
    Overview of technical drafting disciplines: mechanical details and assemblies, fits and tolerances, flat pattern layout, electronic diagrams, structural steel including welds, civil, and piping. Students will create industry design and working drawings.

    Prerequisite: EDDT 1010 and EDDT 1100 or both concurrently
    Semester: All
    Additional Course Fee Required

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  • EDDT 1420 - Basic MicroStation

    Credits: 2
    This course teaches drafting skills using MicroStation CAD software and includes: geometric construction, drawing and modification commands, dimensioning, cell libraries, plots, working units, patterning, seed files, and reference files.

    Semester: All
    Additional Course Fee Required

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  • EDDT 2160 - Statics and Strength of Matls

    Credits: 5
    Focuses on the fundamentals of material statics and strength, theory of forces, moments, and deflection, stresses, centroids and moment of Inertia, principles of design, problem-solving and application.

    Prerequisite: MATH 1060  or MATH 1080  or appropriate placement score
    Semester: Fall
    Additional Course Fee Required

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  • EDDT 2180 - Electronics Drafting

    Credits: 3
    Drafting and design techniques used in the electronics industry including: electronics symbols, schematic and logic diagrams, electro-mechanical design, printed circuit board design, artwork layout, and related industry standards. Students will be using PADS which is a circuit board layout software package and AutoCAD.

    Semester: Fall & Spring
    Additional Course Fee Required

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  • EDDT 2190 - Civil Drafting

    Credits: 2
    The study of the various types of civil drafting: plats, contour maps, profiles, road design, and site layout. Includes mapping terminology, symbols and standard formats. Taught using MicroStation and AutoCAD Civil 3D.

    Prerequisite: EDDT 1040 and EDDT 1420
    Semester: All

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  • EDDT 2240 - Steel Detailing

    Credits: 3
    Use of the AISC manual to calculate stresses and design simple steel structures with welded and bolted connections. Layouts and drawings of details required for fabrication using appropriate industry standards and formats.

    Prerequisite: EDDT 1040 and MATH 1010
    Semester: Fall
    Additional Course Fee Required

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  • EDDT 2340 - Manufacturing Processes

    Credits: 2
    A broad analysis of industrial materials and processes used in manufacturing as related to design. Topics include: metal forming, casting, machining, non-metals, finishing and assembly, and the principles of material behavior.

    Prerequisite: EDDT 1040 or concurrently
    Corequisite: EDDT 2350
    Additional Course Fee Required

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  • EDDT 2350 - Manufacturing Processes Lab

    Credits: 1
    Lab practice in the processes used to change material shape and condition for industrial use and the principles of material behavior. Topics include: metal forming, casting, injection molding, heat treatment, equipment selection, design criteria, shop and safety procedures.

    Corequisite: EDDT 2340
    Additional Course Fee Required

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  • EDDT 2360 - Pipe Drafting

    Credits: 2
    This is specialized training in the drafting principles for piping layouts and drawings. It includes: symbols, fittings, controls, parts specifications, diagrams, and detail drawings using appropriate industry standards and formats.

    Prerequisite: EDDT 1040 or EDDT 1420
    Semester: All
    Additional Course Fee Required

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  • EDDT 2420 - Advanced MicroStation

    Credits: 2
    Advanced techniques with MicroStation software mainly as it is used in civil design disciplines. Topics include customization , drawing management and advanced detailing tools.

    Prerequisite: EDDT 1420
    Semester: Fall

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  • EDDT 2540 - Geometric Dimension &Tolerance

    Credits: 2
    Study of the application and interpretation of geometric dimensioning and tolerancing per the latest ASME Y 14. 5 standard.

    Prerequisite: EDDT 1040
    Semester: Spring
    Additional Course Fee Required

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